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Good Morning World!

This morning I am broadcasting from the workstation of one of my two jobs. Instead of studying, I’m going to be yapping about…studying. And other miscellaneous topics to make myself seem productive. (Also Creep is playing in the background, and I fail to understand why it’s included in a lot of top 90’s lists. Too depressing….although I like that little guitar riff.) You’re probably wondering what the hell I’m doing up at 6-7 AM anyways. That’s because A) I’m naturally an early bird, and B) I have two jobs, one of which requires my attendance at 6 AM. Not much of a big deal to me, considering I’ve had to wake up this earlier, or earlier since….4th grade? Long story.

In case you didn’t know, I’m a Psych major. Since I took Intro to Psych last year, I took a liking to the area. (Also, all career tests pointed me towards the direction of therapy, which I find kind of ironic.) So, this semester, I’m finally taking all Psychology classes. And let me tell you, the first chapters of each book are dreadfully boring. I went through and read the first chapter of my Social Psychology book (agaIn) last night, and it was all basic stuff…and statistics. I hated statistics. With a fiery passion of a thousand suns. It also happened to be 10 PM…and I didn’t have any caffeine which made it all the more difficult to stay focused. I promised myself to do more work during my shift in the morning…and here we are. Too much to do, too little motivation and alertness. (Although I have caffeine now. Say hello to my friend/mortal enemy Black Dragon Pearl tea :D)

I recently started playing Travian again. For those of you who don’t know, Travian is a browser based strategy-war game that spreads across many, many servers worldwide. The goal is to form alliances with other players as you build up your villages and take over the world. This is about my…fifth attempt at the game. I tend to get bored or too busy to care about a month in every time, so I just quit. Like most games I play, I tend to make it more work than it is fun. Things tend to get pretty serious and heated as the game progresses. We shall see if this time is different. Updates will come later. Maybe. Possibly. 

This past week, I was in kind of a slump. I think I made a depressing sort of post last…Tuesday? Which was the first post I made in months. I get like that sometimes. It can last anywhere from a few days to a few months. It really, really sucks. I’m better now though. I think it was a combination of stress among other factors. As I mentioned previously, I’m not medicated for my bipolar because I don’t believe in that. Instead, I’ve developed various other coping mechanisms. One of them being marathons of Buffy. I think I need to develop some preventive measures to assure it doesn’t happen too often later on. I have a very..busy schedule this semester. Not only do I work 30+ hours a week, I also have to make room for school work, friends, sleep, and food. Along with my book, and oh look, also Travian now. I’m a masochistic bastard.

Oh yeah, my book. I’ve neglected going through the rest of what my editor sent last week. I feel bad..although I already paid her, so I guess it evens out a bit. When I figure out my schedule more, I will surely get on that. My goal is to have a finished product by the end of Spring..so I guess I better get on it.

Future plans that are being developed right now. I have a few trips I’m planning on. One is to Boston, which is the week after next. Gonna go with some friends to places and visit one of my best friends. The next trip is to NYC over Spring break. Gonna go to a Broadway show with people and maybe meet up with some other friends on the way. I’m excited for that cause I’ve never been to NYC before. It’s gonna be awesome. Also, I plan on getting an apartment with a few friends once the semester is over in May. Super excited for that, and I’ve already set up a savings account for that. Mostly excited cause I miss my cats. And I’ll be able to cook real food. Only issue there is I don’t think my potential roommates are too into healthy eating…which could present a conflict. Junk food junkies.

So, this has mostly been a rambling update of what I’ve been up to in and effort to procrastinate and keep busy. I’m not the most…organized person in the thought area ever. Maybe I should focus on keeping structure on future posts? Be all witty and such. I dunno. 

Until Next time!