Why Don’t We Play House?


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One of my obsessions is Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Well, it’s not really an ‘obsession’ per se. I just pretty much know everything there is to know and tend to splurge my money on various Buffy-related merchandise. I also freak when I recognize an actor who appeared on Buffy in another show I’m watching (whatever it may be). A couple people have recommended to me that maybe I should try a few of Whedon’s other shows, namely Dollhouse or Firefly. I’ve already seen a few of his other works such as Dr. Horrible, Cabin in the Woods, and of course The Avengers (who HASN’T seen that?). I decided on Dollhouse. I stayed up all night watching the last half of season 2 and thus finishing the series. Here is a look into my mind.

For those who don’t know what Dollhouse is about, allow me to utilize my horrible summary skills to try and explain it to you. Dollhouse is about this organization founded and backed by this even bigger science/techy organization called Rossum. This organization is known as, surprise surprise, Dollhouse. Dollhouse recruits volunteers who have past experiences they’d rather forget (or in some cases prison inmates and mental health patients) and in return for their services for five years, Dollhouse will relieve their pain and provide for them financially for what is assumed to be most of or the rest of their life. The way Dollhouse does this is by completely wiping the person of all sense of self, turning them into a ‘doll’. This doll is then essentially prostituted away to the wealthy for whatever need they have to be fulfilled. Yes, most of the time this is sexually. These arrangements are called engagements. Prior to being sent off on an engagement, the doll is temporarily programmed with a personality that the requester has specifically asked for, and the doll becomes that person. After a short period of time, the doll is then returned to the Dollhouse, and they are wiped clean again in preparation for the next engagement. The series itself focuses specifically on the Dollhouse in L.A. as well as the doll Echo. Echo is played by Eliza Dushku (who played Faith in Buffy) and is a very special doll who gradually becomes self aware as the series progresses, something dolls are not supposed to do.

From the first episode, I was hooked. Not only for my tendency to follow shows that feature actors/actresses from Buffy (No Ordinary Family, Merlin, Ringer) but from the premise of the show itself. In the first season, most episodes are like a different story, giving the show a sort of anthology feel with recurring characters. I read some reviews online that criticized this, but I think that this is one of the attributes that separate Dollhouse from other T.V. series. Everything about the show; the plot, the acting, the script, was awesome. You have to give the actors and actresses credit for being able to portray such a wide range of personalities while retaining the same character. The non-doll character that I especially enjoyed was Topher Brink. He had that familiar unstable/quirky tech person you often see in crime-dramas nowadays (think Abby from NCIS or that one lady I don’t care about from Criminal Minds). Except he’s different. We get to see his character evolve from childish and immoral (he views the dolls as toys rather than people), to a moral..and increasingly unstable person because of it.

I could go on and on about the individual characters, but I’d rather skip to the next part. Warning, spoilers.

I swear Whedon is one of the most sadistic and brilliant writers/directors ever. I say this because he likes to kill off every single likeable character in a show. Especially my favorites. And he does it mercilessly too. A sudden gunshot to the head, an explosion from a device meant to save the world (while making them have a redeeming moment of sorts right before), suddenly cutting them in half, LIQUEFYING THEIR INSIDES AND SOUL AFTER POSSESSING THEM WITH A DEMONIC ENTITY. Sorry. I especially have a problem with the latter one. Ahem. With every show of his, he has not failed to make me calmly stand up from my seat, and proceedingly bash my head against the nearest wall while screaming “WHY?!” and wailing for the next 10 minutes. That takes talent. He seemed to really go overboard with this for Dollhouse because, you know, it was canceled midway through season 2. So it appears that he decided “screw it” and killed off half of the main and recurring cast. If not, more. 

The idea of a Dollhouse has really gotten me thinking lately about the morality of it all. Most of the dolls are volunteers, but does that really make selling their bodies for private use okay while they’re essentially in a ‘vegetative state’? Barring all the plot devices regarding the tech taking over the world, I don’t think it’s so bad. You give up 5 years of your life to fulfill the desires of others. You’re taken care of in a spa-like environment, given the best medical care, and ensured that you’re always in the best physical condition. Besides after that, you get paid a LOT of money and you don’t remember any of it. How bad could that be? Especially since you signed up for it. I mean, I’d do it.



Good Morning, World


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It’s approaching that midway point in my summer vacation. Usually it’s at this time that I begin to hate my life at home and wonder what the hell I’m going to do with myself with the rest of vacation. It’s also 3 in the morning, and I think I’m slightly delusional due to lack of sleep…and the fact that I’m sick. So, while in the process of coughing out my lungs and sweating like a pig in my bedroom, I decided to try to start a blog. Again.

I say again, because I’ve tried blogging. I really have. Twice before in fact. The first time was on a site about a year ago, I think it was called The Experience Project or something. I still get emails from them. I think they’re directed to my spam folder now. The second time was via notes on facebook. That didn’t work out because, it just so turns out, people don’t like being tagged in my weekly incessant ramblings. And I get bored, and distracted, far too easily. You will notice this is a recurring thing as I (maybe) write more and more of these things.

To start off with my first post, the topic is going to be about me. This is one of the very rare times you will ever hear me write solely about me. Mostly because I hate talking about myself. Sometimes.

Anyways, I’m a young college student going for my Liberal Arts degree at Southern Maine Community College in South Portland. I know, Liberal Arts, WOW. I’m going places! Oh yeah. It’s an indecisive thing. I’m thinking about transferring to USM for nursing afterwards (this upcoming school year will be my last at SMCC), but that’s still subject to change. I live at home in the summer and on vacations with my ever-loving family consisting of my brother, mother, step-dad, three cats, and two dogs.

Nextly, a few things about who I am as an actual person. I’ve been told that I’m crazy. Like, legitimate, you never know what to expect crazy. It’s all in how I act. Not the kinda crazy all you normal people like to brag about saying “Oh, look at us, we’re singing spontaneously in public! Wow! So crazy!” No. Stop. That’s pretty normal behavior. Not crazy at all. I’m the kind of crazy to the point where people have stopped and seriously asked me if I was on drugs (which I’m not), to which my friends like to play off of and just…make everybody believe I’m a crack addict. Next thing you know, people are asking what I deal and my price range. This has happened. Multiple times.

Next, as I mentioned above, I’m pretty scatterbrained. I cannot remain focused on one thing for too long. It’s physically impossible for me. I instantly forget what I was doing in the midst of doing it, and just give up on life and move to the next thing. I think I might have ADD or something…but the only things the good ol docs have diagnosed me with is Bipolar. Which brings me to the next point…

I’m Bipolar. Clinically diagnosed and everything. I get the mood swings and the depression and the manic episodes and everything. It’s really no picnic, and I hate it when people throw the word around. I’ll get into more about this in a future post.

Lastly, I get the urge to write sometimes, and when I do, I write A LOT. And it’s usually at one in the morning. I wrote a book last summer. It’s still in the editing phase. I also started book two of that. And I have like 3 other projects planned after that. Will I ever get to finishing them? Maaaaaybe. People seem to like them though..so they might sell if I ever get to that point. I dunno. Maybe I’ll blog about it later.

So there you have it, a little ‘About Me’ post. Feel free to comment, follow/subscribe/ whatever this site does for interaction between blogger and reader. Hopefully I’ll be putting up one a week, each time about something different. It might be a rant, it might be a review. Hey, it might even be a short story! You neeeever know.

A Bientot! (I also speak a little bit of French. But I’m too lazy to grammar.)